Comprehensive and Effective Solutions to Prepare for, Respond to, and Recover from Cyber Threats and Attacks

Amita Labs Cybersecurity Consultants

Drawing on decades of experience in IT, government service, global law firms, C-suite, and blockchain, we have a uniquely broad understanding of organizations’ risk profiles, which enables us to offer practical and business-minded solutions throughout the cyber incident lifecycle.

We have handled hundreds of data breaches, conducted numerous enterprise-wide cyber risk assessments, developed security tools, and drafted the U.S. government's framework for responding to significant cyber incidents.

Amita Labs bridges the technical, legal, and executive functions, providing customized, comprehensive services that fit organizations’ operational and business needs.

Pre-Incident Readiness

We empower organizations against potential ransomware attacks and complex cyber threats. Services include reviewing and optimizing incident response and business continuity plans, creating customized threat profiles regarding unique cyber threats, and conducting customized cyber tabletop exercises.

Post-Incident Recovery

We help organizations mitigate and recover from the monetary and reputational damages caused from a cyber incident. We can scan Name & Shame sites on the Dark Web. We have a unique offering where we attempt to trace and recover payments made during an attack on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis. We also assist with the location and retrieval of stolen data.

Incident Response

We provide organizations with the best possible advice and support during a period of high stress, so that they can focus on their business. Our Executive Coaching and Advising is an essential service for Executives and Boards. We also conduct “hands-on the keyboard” negotiation with threat actors to minimize the disruption and cost to your business.


At Amita Labs, we help organizations see around corners to prepare for tomorrow’s challenges today.







Readiness · Response · Recovery ·